The Power of Scents & Fragrance

Fragrance enhances bond between parents and baby and are a key part of happy, healthy baby development. However it's important to understand what makes fragrance safe and gentle for your little one.
Enjoyable and familiar scents have been proven to improve babies’ moods, calmness and alertness, and the scent of a mother can help reduce crying.
Establishing regular routines with products featuring familiar scents can help your baby connect to the experience, and to you, more quickly.
Scents & Fragrances : The Key to Lasting Memories
Memories evoked by smell are more emotional and pleasant than those created by other senses. The ability to smell and the associations smells evoke start occurring very early on in life. Newborns use their sense of smell right from birth to familiarize themselves more with their world than any other sense. In fact, this is where the bond between you and your baby begins—babies can recognize their mothers by smell alone.
Within the first few weeks of life, your baby’s brain starts to make associations during experiences between the emotions they feel and the scents they smell. Pleasant smells, when paired with your loving touch, can create lasting memories your baby will remember for a lifetime.
Why Scent Evokes Memories More Than Any Other Sense
Why is fragrance more than just a pleasant scent? It’s all about the brain’s makeup.
When we see or hear something, signals are sent to the thalamus, a part of the brain that acts as a gatekeeper, before those signals are processed in the brain. But when we smell something, the signals are transmitted directly to the area of the brain responsible for processing smell—called the olfactory bulb.
This scent processing area is connected via the olfactory pathway to the parts of the brain that are responsible for our emotions, known as the amygdala, and our memory, known as the hippocampus and entorhinal cortex.
As a result, smell activates these regions more quickly and triggers more emotionally vibrant memories than any of the other senses.
JOHNSON’S® “Smells Like a Baby!
One of the fragrances people around the world associate most with babies is the scent of JOHNSON’S® baby products. Our formulas help create warm lasting memories for both parents and babies across generations.
Where do JOHNSON’S® baby fragrances come from?
Givaudan is the premier fragrance house in the world and is responsible for creating some of JOHNSON’S® most iconic fragrances, including JOHNSON’S® baby powder
Allergen free fragranced skincare products can provide added benefits over unfragranced products

Fragrance-free or unscented products may not be completely free of fragrances, as there is a lack of standardized criteria defining ‘fragrance-free’

Some products may be labeled as ‘unscented’, but may contain fragrance ingredients that ‘mask the inherent scent of the essential ingredients in the formula

Some fragrance ingredients may cause sensitization or allergic reaction

IFRA and RIFM provide critical guidance and testing to aid in minimizing the potential of skin sensitization and allergic reactions to products
JOHNSON’S ® follows the highest standards in the industry for fragrance ingredients

Our products are formulated so that they are unlikely to irritate skin or cause an allergic reaction

<25% of the aroma compounds used in fragranced consumer goods meet our strict purity standards and can be considered for our safe, gentle baby products

Fragrance ingredients in JOHNSON’S® products meet or exceed top internationally recognized regulatory standards. In addition to meeting or exceeding IFRA and RIFM guidance, Johnson’s baby also considers other regulations and guidance
Fragranced skin care products can provide added benefits over unfragranced products - improve calmness, reduce stress in parents and babies, and enhance engagement

The fragrance ingredients in our baby products follow International Fragrance Association (IFRA) global standards and our 5-step safety assurance process.